A traditional house with a great history of development - "PANTA RHEI" also applies to the Hotel Germania.

In 1796 the first bricks of the parent company were set as a craft and guild house. At the turn of the 20th century it was converted into an inn, the »Germania«. And then a decisive turning point: Hans Fesenmayr sen. bought the inn with the help of his parents Johann and Angelika Fesenmayr. That was in 1953.

Constant renovation, constant expansion and constant striving for the future paid off: One of the most important milestones was the renovation or expansion in 1991, by Hans Fesenmayr jun. even won the 1st environmental award from the city of Bregenz. Constantly optimizing & always with a sustainable mindset - especially in the field of the energy industry.

Hans Fesenmayr has created a life's work that he and his daughter Barbara managed successfully, with a lot of passion and joy until March 2021, before he said goodbye to his well-earned retirement and sold the hotel.

As the new tenant, Hotel Germania GmbH reopened the hotel on June 1st, 2021 after the coronavirus. The whole team could be taken over & is happy to continue spreading the well-known "Germania Spirit".

Where to go?
Reception Reservation Book

Location maps